
Stellerro - Masa Depan Investasi Efek Digital

Hasil gambar untuk Stellerro ico
Kali ini saya akan memberikan informasi tentang proyek yang sangat menarik untuk Anda ketahui dalam cryptocurrency baru bernama Stellerro . Sebelum menuju ke diskusi, saya pikir kita semua sepakat bahwa teknologi blockchain masih membutuhkan upaya yang mendorong adopsi untuk terus tumbuh dan terus tumbuh di masa depan.

Pasar uang Crypto terus bergerak maju dengan perkembangan baru yang menarik. Perkembangan seperti itu datang dari bank uang kripto yang sedang tumbuh. Organisasi Stellerro adalah platform perbankan investasi alternatif berskala otomatis yang berkomitmen untuk membawa likuiditas ke era digital. Tujuannya adalah untuk menciptakan payung inovatif bagi industri penawaran sekuritas digital yang sedang berkembang dan untuk memastikan bahwa perusahaan dapat memenuhi komitmen yang tepat dan berbagai yurisdiksi yang teregulasi.

Stellerro menjamin modal dan keuangan dengan cara yang legal. Ia menggunakan kontrak pintar untuk mengubah aset tidak likuid menjadi aset likuid. Digital Securities meluncurkan investasi likuid yang inovatif. Sebagai jembatan antara pasar modal tradisional dan dunia inovatif dari sekuritas digital yang didukung oleh teknologi Blockchain, Stellerro telah menyelaraskan diri sebagai mitra identik dengan lembaga keuangan global terkemuka dan reksadana untuk meningkatkan integrasi kedua ekosistem. Staf ahli kami siap membantu Anda dengan semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk menavigasi industri inovatif ini.

Stellerro menawarkan teknologi blockchain terbaru seperti penerbitan kontrak Cerdas, KYC dan AML, Audit Keamanan Cyber, papan Investor Onboarding, model Tokenomics inovatif dan protokol pengembangan keputusan Berkinerja lebih baik daripada kriteria standar, menyediakan distribusi keuangan profesional untuk investasi dan manajemen aset, kunci broker dan komitmen untuk sekuritas digital yang didukung aset. Stellerro dibangun untuk menjembatani dan menjembatani kesenjangan antara dunia inovatif sekuritas tokenized dan pasar modal utama dalam rantai blok. Stellerro telah menyelaraskan diri sebagai mitra identik dengan lembaga keuangan global terkemuka dan reksa dana untuk meningkatkan integrasi kedua ekosistem.

Untuk berinvestasi dalam proyek token Stro, investor akan diberikan hak kepemilikan eksklusif bersama dengan pembagian pendapatan dari proyek perusahaan. Perusahaan akan membantu karyawan, dana ekuitas swasta, pemilik properti, dan inisiatif inovatif untuk mengumpulkan modal bagi perusahaan yang bekerja. Pedagang harus melalui prosedur KYC dan AML untuk memperoleh saham digital Stellerro. Menurut peraturan ESMA, investor ritel dan terakreditasi Eropa berhak untuk berpartisipasi, tautan dengan KYC ada di bawah artikel.

Detail Token dan Penjualan

Token symbol: STRO 

Total pasokan: 8.000.000 STRO 

Mata uang yang diterima: ETH, BTC, USD, EUR 

Tanggal Penjualan Utama: 1 Juni 2019 - 1 Agustus 2019 

Target Investasi Minimum: 500.000 EUR 

Tujuan Investasi: 5.000.000 EUR 

Investasi Minimum: 500 EUR 

Investasi Maksimum: 100.000 EUR 

Harga Jual Publik: 0,86 EUR

Peta jalan


Stelelrro adalah platform perbankan investasi alternatif berskala otomatis yang berkomitmen untuk membawa likuiditas ke era digital. Stellerro; blockchain adalah proyek inovatif yang membangun platform sosial berbasis reputasi yang menghubungkan kesenjangan kepercayaan yang memiliki harapan besar antara investor, penampil dan tim proyek. Selain itu, ada tim yang sangat andal dan berpengalaman dalam pengelolaan proyek ini, jadi saya yakin itu akan membawa kesuksesan besar di masa depan dan saya akan selalu mendukungnya. Saya pikir proyek ini memiliki tim yang kuat dengan pengalaman untuk masa depan dan merupakan proyek yang cocok untuk investasi. Saya sangat senang menjadi bagian dari kesempatan yang luar biasa ini.

Informasi Lebih Lanjut :

AIGO - Adoption Blockchain e-Commerce to World


There is an informed opinion, that technology is capable of blockchain completely change the payment industry. There are many projects that try to contribute to this problem. Today we consider the crypto project called AIGO. AIGO is developing a complete infrastructure that is capable of becoming a fully decentralized payment system. AIGO completely rebuilds the payment space, introducing using credit cards for blockchain technology. This payment system is vital for today's business community. Appeared long-awaited opportunity to expand and increase payment options and to attract greater interest in cryptocurrency area.

As you know, nowadays there are many obstacles that hinder the purchase of goods and services using cryptocurrency directly, without the need for conversion into fiatnuju currency. Using the payment algorithm AIGO AI-Payment it is possible to direct transfer of value between two parties without the need to involve a third party. Payment system can integrate AIGO many payment networks that enables holders of cryptocurrency to make direct transactions with traders without having to go through the additional banking operations.

The company believes that in order to cryptocurrency was a success over a period of time, it should be a key factor in the ecosystem. Specially designed Protocol is capable of facilitating transactions between company customers and traders, eliminate intermediaries in this way and while saving large amounts of traders and the users of the project, to increase overall efficiency and safety. AIGO AI-Payment drafted from scratch specifically for overcoming this problem to ensure flexibility, speed, scalability, transactions on the network. Advanced innovative architecture AI-Payment offers various options of payment mechanisms that occur in our daily life as online options and offline. As you know before it was not possible to provide such conditions for blockchain technology.

For the initial implementation was developed and presented to the token AIGO which will have their own network and can be used as means of payment for all instruments that are already integrated into the ecosystem of AIGO. The platform will work on all fronts and with all partners to create decentralized payment ecosystem for all industries especially for the e-commerce sector to receive tokens AIGO.
Cost of 1 token AIGO is 0.002 USD (pre-sale) 0.003-0.005 USD (home sales)
sales Term tokens: 30 days with the possibility of automatic early adjournment in achieving ultimate goals IEO
Expansion of the chain after the beginning of the IEO impossible
technical limitation tokens: 1 000 000 000
Adjustable display: All unsold and unassigned tokens will be destroyed, and additional tokens for the release of impossible
secure ways to purchase tokens: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), USD Tether (USDT)
Hardcap: $3 million
Softcap: $500.000

To facilitate payment transactions, now in the ecosystem AIGO developed wallet A-Wallet. It is no different from the currently digital wallets but integrated in the network of AIGO , he will have positive benefits for its users. Waist will be developed on platforms Android, iOS and desktop versions that support windows, linux and mac.

You can talk about the project for a long time but not to overstretch the video and for the full and detailed acquaintance I leave all important and useful links at the bottom of the description. There you will find the answer to any question that you will have when studying.
In conclusion, I would like to add that the e-commerce sector is fast growing and developing now and the idea of AIGO for the integration of payments has great potential in the future. I think that the project with so much potential is undoubtedly will bring profits to its investors and users in the not too distant future.

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Nestree  Project Review

Now technology is evolving faster and faster. New innovations destroy and replace the old. Technologies have turned people from uncivil in civilized States. Does not stand still and the development direction of transmission of messages between people. In ancient times, people communicated by using homing pigeons, passing through them the letter. This way of communication, at the time, was very popular, but it had a huge minus, send a message in this way took a few days. Gradually this mode of information exchange is replaced with letters, telephone, SMS, and now the Internet. Evolution of technology provides instant communication with anyone, anywhere in the world (the Internet) for a few seconds. With the advent of the Internet we can communicate, share media and carry out video calls worldwide. According to the report, more than 3.5 billion Internet users, and this number is growing rapidly.
But all is not as good as it seems. Every technology has its pluses and minuses, and we will pay special attention to correct disadvantages. The Internet allows you to chat and share files through social networks, but at the same time, every our action on the Internet generates and transmits sensitive data. Today's social networking platform almost killed our privacy, and they saw this as a way to earn additional income. Recent Facebook privacy disputes with cambridge analytica shows that our data privacy statement is not safe on social networks.
Many times, history has shown that social networking platform to sell your personal information to advertising agencies and for other illegal purposes. Thus, our privacy and financial details are at risk. Advertising agencies use our data and implement advertising in our profiles depending on our interests.
At the same time security social networking platform is also questionable. Hackers can easily hack into the system and steal our user name and password to access our profiles and financial data. From one hacking may suffer millions of people. And this is clearly a serious problem.
But now, thanks to a team of professionals who have created a secure, safe and comfortable social platform for all. It's called NESTREE.
NESTREE is based in Korea, social networking platform that seeks to provide ideal service sharing social messages. It aims to protect confidential user data through the effective use of technology Blockchain. Since blockchain is imperishable and immutable, inexhaustible, its properties can help NESTREE achieve its goal. Thus, each social post users cryptographically encrypted and transmitted through blockchain network. This effectively and efficiently prevents any hacker attack. We already know that one hacker attack resulted in millions of dollars in losses. And NESTREE to attach the highest priority to safety on the platform.
It is worth noting that NESTREE has already developed its product, and it is fully available for download on Android and iOS platforms. Thanks to this you can easily install and start using the platform for sharing social messages running on blockchain.
On the platform of NESTREE you can enjoy all the messaging services and social networks with additional security features. You can communicate in an encrypted network between friends, groups and communities. To maintain the spirit and encourage people to be active on the platform NESTREE offers the option of remuneration-pay users for their valuable contributions. NESTREE, in turn, offers excellent interaction between advertisers and users.
NESTREE has a cryptourrency purse for intra application and its own internal token EGG. The application supports P2P option. EGG marker will be used for all operations on the platform and to encourage users. The main functions are: NESTREE, discover channel, chat and crypto wallet.
Token Structure
• Ticker: token EGG
• total transfers: 3 billion
• Platform tokens: ERC20
Distributing tokens
There is no doubt that NESTREE will play an important role in accelerating growth and introduction of blockchain technology sector basically. It is worth noting that NESTREE already have a finished product, not like other speculative projects. The application is already running and available on Android and iOS platforms. NESTREE will revolutionize the social network and protects our confidential data. Thus, users can chat, transfer files, and make video calls without fear of data leakage and hacker attacks.

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