
CoinCasso Review - Cryptocurrency Exchange Platform & ATM's Network

Hasil gambar untuk CoinCasso ico
CoinCasso Exchange CCX Token holders will have the greatest impact on the introduction of new currencies and innovations. CCX tokens work in a similar way as tokens on other exchanges but they have additional value for the users of the exchange. Owners of the tokens have the ability to participate in the company, reduce the transaction fees and give the token holders the right to receive a part of the profit made by the company. CoinCasso is subject to two EU directives on safety, it is fully licensed throughout the European Union. Our mission is to change the world. We want to create large crypto-society around the world, by providing innovative solutions based on blockchain technology. We believe in creating a better future in money transfer and exchange services. We are sure of the wide application of blockchain technology and the benefits of cryptocurrencies in the near future. By introducing global solutions through education, making the crypto ecosystem friendly for everyone

About CoinCasso
The CoinCasso project is a holistic and democratic solution created for people.
Our view is completely different because we want the community to be able to decide and influence the development of our exchange and the entire industry. That's why we give our users the opportunity to become co-owners of the CoinCasso project. Our goal is to create an exchange that does not duplicate the mistakes of other exchanges and will act on the basis of what the community wants. We want to offer a more transparent product, open to new projects in the blockchain industry, we want to develop the market holistically. We reward CoinCasso users for the actions taken in order to develop our project and the entire industry.

Design feature
If we consider the CoinCasso in more detail, it can be noted that this project is a set of two worlds, centralized and decentralized, forming in a single space a centralized exchange with decentralized advantages. This method allows you to legalize all financial processes, subordinating them to the legislative framework of the European Union and the laws of other countries that are favorable to the legalization of cryptocurrencies.
In addition to acceptable tools aimed at interacting with their audience, the developers of CoinCasso set themselves more global goals, which are to change the entire financial world on a larger scale. This goal is extremely positive, as the team of specialists has long wanted to eradicate the existing problems of both directions, to identify the strongest sides of them and to unite the new platform within a single concept through this symbiosis. Where everyone can try and evaluate them in practice.

CoinCasso Benefits
The security measures on the platform will include utilization of advanced technology to protect the servers from attacks and storage of user funds on the CoinCasso OU cold wallet to protect the funds from theft.

Users will have access to all the transaction history on CoinCasso since all the transactions carried out on the exchange platform are saved on the blockchain, which creates a ledger. This in turn results in a more transparent platform compared to other similar exchanges.

As soon as the CoinCasso mobile application is launched, users will have access to all the functionalities of CoinCasso from the convenience of their devices. The app will also integrate the wallet and payment system on CoinCasso Pay, which will make sending and receiving cryptocurrencies easy.

Road Map

Token info
Token: CCX
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
PreICO price:1 CCX = 1 USD
Price in ICO: 2.6200 USD

Investment info
Min. investment: 1 CCX
Accepting: BTC, ETH, Fiat
Distributed in ICO: 80%
Soft cap: 3,500,000 USD
Hard cap: 100,000,000 USD

Distribution ICO


More Information :
Bounty0x Profile: dextord

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