Crypt-ON P2P is a platform that provides security and secure trade kriptovaljutami based on blockchain technology. Crypt-ON platform provides you with 4 services, namely trade escrow, p2p lending, exchange of work for freelancers-hronologov and exchanges in the field of P2P (Exchange kriptovaljutami at fiat by searching based on geolocation).
Crypt-ON aims to unite people from around the world involved in kriptoindustriju that allows them to quickly and safely interact with partners in various fields at all stages of cooperation. Crypt-ON-it's not only a solution to current problems when running p2p transaction cryptocurrency, but also the establishment of the global workspace for kriptovatorov from all over the world.
Advantages of Crypt-On
- Implementing reputation tokens (tokens of trust) that display the rating/reputation each user platform, will allow the problem of confidence between the parties and increase the reliability of P2P operations.
- The use of contract mining, which is automatically generated, and the involvement of an independent arbitrator will ensure the security of the transaction.
- Four services combined on a platform that will allow you to perform various tasks in one place, multiplying the effectiveness on synergies.
- The ability to use stable coins in the calculation reduces the risks associated with high volatility of most kriptovaljutnyh means.
Crypt-On way to work Platform is that the seller provides information about the product/service on the site. Other users can search and find attractive offers, after which the parties can.
discuss additional transactions. The whole history is stored on a system that allows, if necessary, to clarify again the settings or contact the software module for dispute resolution.
One of the services platform-ON Crypto is the Crypt, Freelance marketplace. This exchange of work, which allows independent professionals from around the world to interact with customers and receive awards for kriptovaljutnost. Simple and convenient interface allows you to quickly agree on the terms and conditions of payment. Interests of both parties are protected by the intellectual contract that will record all the requirements. In the case of disputes independent arbitrators will be included in the work.
How does it work?
- The client sends a request with a description of the task. For convenience of clients and artists search engine provides selection by rating and allows you to quickly find highly skilled artist or get an idea about the reliability of the client. At the same time on a client's account should be enough tokens i-Point to pay for the services of the contractor; otherwise, it will not be able to publish job.
- Artists apply.
- Customers consider candidates and confirm your choice. The contractor and the customer in advance define the terms of the deal, concluded in a smart contract.
- The challenge goes to work. After his performance, the contractor sends the results of the work for inspection.
- Payment for the completed service/work is carried out in i-Point tokens.
- If a work has been infringed the conditions laid down in the contract mining, arbitrator included the resolution of the dispute. The arbitrator would act as a third party in the multilateral smart signing contract.
- All the parties are stored in smart contract and affect the reputation of both the customer and contractor, changing their rating.
What benefits will receive?
Customers will be able to find professionals and experts to solve the problems facing them, and pay for work in kriptovaljute. Strengthening cooperation in intellectual contracts guarantees their immutability. Use the rating system would objectively choose contractors on the basis of an assessment of the activities of users and their feedback about each other.
Because the Crypt-ON is a multifunctional, freelancers can exchange kriptovaljuty on fiat and quickly withdraw money. This is useful in terms of reducing fees for withdrawals, especially if you want to perform two or more operations.
Are there any disadvantages? Of course, as in all cases, this cannot be avoided. For example, you might want to time to search for a remote employee, which is undesirable for projects with quick launch. An employer may defer payment process because you can always find flaws in the completed work, if you are looking for. However, if the contractor will perform the work in accordance with the terms of the specification stored in the intellectual contract, then the referee will protect the interests of the contractor.
Despite this, Crypto Freelance Marketplace platforms Crypt-ON is an excellent alternative for crypto-freelancers, headhunters and HR professionals who are looking for performers
You want to sell or buy online?
Crypt-ON Platform ensures that your transactions at kriptovaljute. We can offer 4 complementary facilities for your convenience that you can use together and separately. For example: p2p lending; assistance in carrying out secure transactions using escrow; the independent arbitrator; Crypto freelance work Exchange; and exchange of crypto-to-fiat/crypto to crypto.
The main feature of all services of the Crypt-ON is the lack of any intermediaries. For example, a service for the exchange of kriptovaljutami uses location to help you find contractors in your area.
It turns out that by registering and becoming a member of the community, you can perform several tasks with a single resource.
For each transaction carried out and depending on its result will be credited reputation tokens or tokens of trust. This will help the platform users from making their own decisions about the choice of arbitrators, or business partner that you can trust.
All transactions will be recorded and displayed as a ranking. Over time, the whole group will be formed platform of trusted lenders and borrowers that will lend to or borrow large sums of money to participate in projects and carry out tasks. This is useful not only for individual enthusiasts of cryptography, but for the whole kriptoindustrii as a whole.
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